20. Docker Cheat Sheet:

20. Docker Cheat Sheet:

Docker is a powerful platform that enables developers to create, deploy, and run applications in containers. Whether you're a beginner or looking to enhance your Docker skills, this cheat sheet will guide you through Docker installation, volume management, image handling, and container operations.

Image Management:

  1. Pull an Image:docker pull <image_name>This command fetches a Docker image from a registry, such as Docker Hub.

  2. List Downloaded Images:docker imagesDisplays a list of locally stored Docker images.

  3. Remove an Image:docker rmi <image_name or image_id>Deletes a Docker image from the local machine.

Docker Volumes:

  1. Create a Docker Volume:docker volume create <volume_name>Creates a Docker volume.

  2. Run a Container with a Volume:docker run -v <volume_name>:<container_directory> <image_name>Attaches a volume to a container, preserving data in the container's directory on the volume.

  3. Inspect a Volume:docker volume inspect <volume_name>Provides detailed information about a Docker volume.

Container Lifecycle:

  1. Run a Container: docker run <options> <image_name>Starts a new container instance from a Docker image.

  2. List Running Containers: docker ps Shows a list of currently running containers.

  3. List All Containers: docker ps -a Displays all containers, including stopped ones.

  4. Stop a Running Container: docker stop <container_id or container_name>Halts a running container.

  5. Remove a Container: docker rm <container_id or container_name> Deletes a stopped container.

Container Interaction:

  1. Execute Commands Inside a Container: docker exec -it <container_id or container_name> <command>Allows you to run commands inside a running container.

  2. Attach to a Running Container: docker attach <container_id or container_name>Attaches your terminal to a running container.

Docker Compose Commands:

  1. Compose Up: docker-compose up Builds and starts containers based on the docker-compose.yml file.

  2. Compose Down: docker-compose down Stops and removes containers, networks, and volumes defined in the docker-compose.yml file.

  3. Compose Logs: docker-compose logs Displays log output from services defined in docker-compose.yml file.

  4. Scale Services: docker-compose scale <service_name>=<num_of_instances>Scales the number of containers for a specific service.

Docker Networking:

  1. List Networks: docker network ls Shows a list of Docker networks.

  2. Inspect a Network: docker network inspect <network_name>Provides detailed information about a Docker network.

  3. Create a Network: docker network create <network_name>Creates a new Docker network.


  1. Docker Version: docker version Displays the Docker version information.

  2. Docker Info: docker info Shows system-wide information about Docker.

  3. Clean Up Docker Resources: docker system prune -a Removes stopped containers, unused networks, and dangling images.

Now that you have this comprehensive cheat sheet, you'll be well-equipped to navigate the Docker ecosystem efficiently. Feel free to share this resource with the DevOps community, and remember, continuous learning is the key to mastering Docker! Happy containerizing!

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